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10 Tips for Healthy Eating if You Are at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

Reducing Your Risk Through Smart Dietary Choices Type 2 diabetes is a prevalent and potentially serious health condition, but the good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. While some factors, like age, ethnicity, and family history, are beyond your control, adopting a healthy eating plan can significantly lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Here are ten valuable tips for making smarter food choices to safeguard your health.

1. Choose Drinks Without Added Sugar Cutting down on sugary drinks is a crucial step in diabetes prevention. Full-sugar fizzy and energy drinks have been linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Opt for unsweetened tea and coffee instead, as they are associated with a reduced risk. If you find it challenging to give up sugary beverages, look for diet or low-calorie versions. Avoid replacing sugary drinks with fruit juices or smoothies, as they are still high in free sugars. Stick to plain water, unsweetened milk, and sugar-free tea or coffee.

2. Choose Higher Fiber Carbs Opt for complex carbohydrates rich in fiber, such as brown rice, whole wheat pasta, wholemeal flour, whole-grain bread, and oats. These choices are linked to a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared to refined carbs like white bread, white rice, and sugary breakfast cereals. High-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, pulses (e.g., chickpeas, beans, and lentils), and unsweetened dairy products can also contribute to better blood sugar control.

3. Cut Down on Red and Processed Meat Reducing your consumption of red and processed meats, like bacon, ham, sausages, pork, beef, and lamb, can lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. These meats have also been associated with heart problems and certain types of cancer. Opt for alternative protein sources like pulses, eggs, fish, chicken, turkey, and unsalted nuts. Incorporate oily fish like salmon and mackerel into your diet to benefit from heart-protective omega-3 oils.

4. Eat Plenty of Fruit and Vegetables Increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables is crucial for reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes. Some specific fruits and vegetables, such as apples, grapes, berries, and green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, watercress, and rocket, have been linked to a reduced risk. Whether fresh or frozen, find creative ways to incorporate these foods into your daily meals and snacks, as they offer numerous health benefits.

5. Choose Unsweetened Yogurt and Cheese Opt for unsweetened dairy products like plain natural or Greek yogurt and plain milk. These fermented dairy products have been associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The amount of fat in these dairy foods is less important than choosing unsweetened options. Aim to consume three portions of dairy daily to meet your calcium needs.

6. Be Sensible with Alcohol Excessive alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and can hinder weight management due to its high-calorie content. Follow current guidelines, which recommend not regularly drinking more than 14 units of alcohol per week, spread evenly over 3-4 days. Consider having several alcohol-free days each week to minimize your risk.

7. Choose Healthier Snacks Opt for healthier snack options such as unsweetened yogurts, unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables instead of sugary and high-calorie snacks like crisps, chips, biscuits, sweets, and chocolates. Pay attention to portion sizes to help maintain a healthy weight.

8. Include Healthier Fats in Your Diet While fat is essential for energy, it's crucial to choose healthy fats. Reduce saturated fats found in animal products and processed foods, and instead, opt for unsalted nuts, seeds, avocados, and oils like olive oil, rapeseed oil, and sunflower oil. Oily fish like salmon and mackerel, rich in heart-protective omega-3 oils, are especially beneficial.

9. Cut Down on Salt Limit your salt intake to a maximum of one teaspoonful (6g) per day, as excessive salt consumption can increase your risk of high blood pressure and, consequently, type 2 diabetes. Check food labels for salt content, especially in pre-packaged foods, and cook from scratch using herbs and spices for flavor.

10. Get Vitamins and Minerals from Food While some vitamins and supplements are promoted as diabetes prevention tools, the evidence supporting their effectiveness is limited. Unless recommended by your healthcare provider, focus on obtaining essential vitamins and minerals from a balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods. Avoid relying on supplements as your primary source of nutrients.

By incorporating these ten tips into your daily eating habits, you can take proactive steps to reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Remember that a healthy diet, combined with regular physical activity and a balanced lifestyle, plays a vital role in safeguarding your long-term health. Consult with your healthcare team for personalized guidance on managing your diabetes risk through diet and lifestyle choices.

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Source: Association of Diabetes UK

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